How long is a snowmobile?
The average length of a snowmobile will fall into a range between 115-135 inches.

Actually the length doesnt really matter : When it comes to performance issues such as acceleration and handling, a few inches aren’t going to make a big deal. Differences in length are more a matter of the different engineering characteristics of each sled.

Length does matter in some situations, especially when you are transporting your snowmobile around. If you have a snowmobile trailer, you will want to make sure that your machine (or machines) will fit inside safely and securely.
If your trailer is too short, you risk having part of your snowmobile hanging off of it – which is never recommended and could result in damage to your sled, the trailer, or the vehicle transporting it.

How Wide is a Snowmobile?
The average range for snowmobile width is anywhere between 43-50 inches.
Snowmobile length and width don’t always correlate. This means that just because you have a longer sled, that won’t necessarily make it wider. And just because you have a short sled, that doesn’t mean it will be narrower.
The width of your sled will factor into how it can perform in various situations and how well it fits into a truck bed or trailer.
A wider snowmobile can be a little more stable than a narrower one on the trails. But really, a few inches isn’t going to make that much difference in performance in the long. It’s not like other vehicles where the width can be dramatically different.